Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cultural Analysis of "A Fracking Good Story"

In this blog post, I will conduct a cultural analysis on the article "A Fracking Good Story."

The Pinedale Field office of the BLM. "A natural gas drilling rig on the Pinedale Anticline, just west of Wyoming's Wind River Range" 1/14/2007 via Google. Public Domain License
The keywords (phrases) I selected from the article are climate change, carbon emissions, and cost. These words and phrases are repeated throughout the article and serve as the basis for the argument that the author is making supporting the fracking industry.

A working thesis statement for this article would be something like: the environmental and economic effects of the recent transition to natural gas as a primary energy source in the US has revealed that fracking is the most practical and cost efficient way to reduce carbon emissions and therefore combat the effects of climate change.

Free write:

 The concept of climate change is becoming accepted and feared by scientists and the general population more and more as time passes, so the constant mention of the benefits of fracking with respect to how they will go against climate change make them seem significantly more valuable and make fracking sound like the best option moving forward.

Among those who accept climate change as a reality, it is generally known that carbon dioxide emissions from cars, factories, and power plants is a huge cause of climate change and the destruction of the atmosphere, so the numerous times that fracking is claimed to have reduced carbon emissions makes the reader believe in the process more as an environmentally healthier option for an energy source.

The repetition of "cost" and "price" are used so frequently in the article because it is known that money rules the world so when fracking is claimed to cost less than different energy production methods, the reader is more likely to support the author's argument because they will view fracking as a process that will benefit the economy of the US and their own finances as well.

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