Thursday, October 15, 2015

Practicing Summary and Paraphrase

In any piece of writing, it is important to cite your source correctly so it is known where you got the information and so credit can be given to the original source. This blog post includes my attempt at summarizing and paraphrasing a quote from my article for Project 2, "A Fracking Good Story."

Dombrowski, Quinn. "The 'Library'" 6/10/2010 via Flickr. Attribution License
Original Source
"Climate economists repeatedly have pointed out that such energy innovation is the most effective climate solution, because it is the surest way to drive the price of future green energy sources below that of fossil fuels. By contrast, subsidizing current, ineffective solar power or ethanol mostly wastes money while benefiting special interests."

My Paraphrase of Original Source

Lomborg identifies fracking as the best solution to climate change, claiming that climate economists have stated that it will make environmentally sustainable energy sources cheaper than fossil fuels in the future. He states that renewable energy sources are ineffective, so the government funding of such practices is not spending money for the best interest of society as a whole.

My Summary of the Original Source

Lomborg uses climate economists to back his claim that fracking is the most cost efficient energy source to fight climate change rather than renewable energy sources, which he deems ineffective and costly.

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