Thursday, October 15, 2015

Project 2 Outline

This blog post will include my outline for the rhetorical analysis I will conduct for Project 2. Outlining the content of your essay before drafting is important so that all is included that should be.

Alborz, Shawn. "Organize" 4/2/2007 via Flickr. Attribution License
The reading on how to structure each section of our essay clarified some important conventions of a rhetorical analysis for me. With regards to the introduction, it advised that I "set up [my] particular perspective or reading of the text" (Minnix 122), so instead of discussing the ideas of the article I would need to choose the ideas and their relation to the argument I will present. I also found it important to make sure more my claims "go beyond simply stating the strategy they address" (Minnix 124). Analyze, don't summarize. The reading suggested focusing on "[analyzing one or two strategies" (Minnix 124) which was the most important concept for me in planning my outline. It helped me realize that I should deeply evaluate a few strategies instead of just mentioning a lot more so I don't spread myself too thin.



  • problem of climate change
  • explain what fracking is and why there is a controversy, or why energy production is at question in general
  • what is common goal of society: identify audience values
    • reduce emissions
    • eventually switch to renewables or sustainable methods (get away form coal)
    • do what is economically feasible and responsible
  • thesis statement: Lomborg is aware of the beliefs held by his audience in this context, which are based on the importance of simultaneously looking out for the environment and the financial well-being of society. He supports fracking with credible outside sources in a way that answers to these beliefs, making his argument appear more credible and logical to the audience and therefore effectively conveying his message.
Body Paragraph 1: Use of statistics to show environmental positives of fracking
  • emissions reductions: statistics show its effect on cleaning up atmosphere
  • explain how repetition of emission reductions emphasizes the environmental positives
  • how does highlighting emissions statistics and environmental positives play on cultural values: people want what will reduce climate change, emissions reductions shows fracking is heading in right direction. logic
Body Paragraph 2: Use of statistics and expert opinion to convey economic benefits of fracking
  • statistics: gas prices drop
  • low energy costs: more spending on other things
  • "climate economists" say fracking is best because it will bring green energy costs in future below that of fossil fuels
  • how does using economic benefits appeal to logic by audience: emissions dropping and prices dropping as well: best of both worlds. brings green energy costs down to drive away from fossil fuels. logical best fit for an energy source that is putting more money in pockets of the audience, appeals to their values: cost analysis is important. evidence used is also factual so it is believable, more logical argument. 
Body Paragraph 3: Use of statistics to refute proposition of renewable energy switch
  • emissions reductions in fracking compared to wind and solar
  • cost of these renewable energy sources while taking into account their little effect on emission reduction
  • European subsidizing of renewable sources has cost more and done less to reduce emissions compared to fracking: statistics
  • explain how this refutation plays on audience idea of a rapid switch to renewable energy being ideal. uses info from above paragraphs and money and environmental objectives of audience in opposite way, comparison to fracking benefits. logical flow, answers audiences questions of a possible other outcome by saying no, there isn't. 
  • makes argument look like it take into account all other options and explains why fracking is best, logic and credible argument based on a foundation of knowledge.
  • explain how the order, flow of these strategies answers the questions/values of the audience
  • explain how the effective answer to these values makes the argument effective
  • consider how this article will make people take action/stand against anti-frackers and promote government support of fracking based on democracy 

Reflection: I read Ayra and Brandon's posts that included their outlines and I think one thing I learned that I could work on is including specific examples in my outline. I think my explanations for my intentions in each paragraph were pretty thorough compared to the posts I read but mentioning specifics in my outline will certainly make writing the essay easier. I think I'm on the right track with how I'm structuring my paragraphs and what elements of rhetoric I use in each one. I think I'm ready to write this essay!

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